KI Earns KGS AA318 Certification for Toxic Gas Piping Valves
May 23, 2024


KI ANSI B16.34 Valves are now certified by KGS AA318: Valves for Toxic Gas Piping.

We are proud to announce that KI has been awarded the prestigious KGS AA318 certification, recognizing the superior quality and safety of KI valves used in toxic gas piping systems. This achievement underscores KI dedication to excellence and innovation in the industry.

About KGS AA318 Certification

The KGS AA318 certification, granted by the Korean Gas Safety Corporation (KGS), certifies valves that meet stringent safety and performance standards for toxic gas applications. Achieving this certification involves rigorous testing and validation, ensuring KI valves handle hazardous gases safely and reliably.

KI Strengths Leading to Certification

Advanced Engineering
KI valves are designed using cutting-edge technology and materials for maximum durability. 

Stringent Quality Control
Each valve undergoes comprehensive testing to meet the highest safety standards.

Commitment to Safety
KI products feature multiple safety mechanisms to prevent leaks and ensure secure operation.

Continuous Improvement
KI continually innovate to enhance valve performance and safety.

Skilled Workforce
KI dedicated team of engineers, quality control experts, and production staff drive our success.

This certification highlights KI commitment to providing top-quality products and reinforces KI position as a leader in the industry.